York Health and Care Partnership


Thursday 21st March 2024, 10:00 - 12:30

Severus Meeting Room; First Floor, West Offices

Chair: Ian Floyd



Ian Floyd (Chair) (IF)

Chief Operating Officer

City of York Council (CYC)

Rebecca Field (BF)

Joint Chair of York Health and Care Collaborative

York Medical Group

Sarah Coltman- Lovell (SCL)

York Place Director

York Place, H&NY ICB

Cllr Jo Coles (JC)

Executive Member for Health, Wellbeing and Adult Social Care


Sian Balsom (SB)


Healthwatch, York

Professor Karen Bryan (KB)

Vice Chancellor

York St John University

(representing higher education)

Prof Mike Holmes (MH)



Martin Kelly (MK)

Corporate Director of Children and Young People


Peter Roderick (PR)


Director of Public Health


Cllr Claire Douglas (CD)

Leader of City of York Council


Helena Ebbs (HE)

Place Clinical Director

York Place, H&NY ICB

Sara Storey (SS)

Director Adult Social Care and Integration


Emma Johnson (EJ)

Chief Executive

St. Leonards Hospice

Melanie Liley (ML) (on behalf of Simon Morritt)

Chief Allied Health Professional


In Attendance

Hannah Taylor (HT)

Business Support Administrator

York Place, H&NY ICB

Anna Basilico (TW)

Head of Population Health and Partnerships

York Place, H&NY ICB

Natalie Caphane (NC)

Assistant Director of System Planning and Improvement

York Place, H&NY ICB

Tracy Wallis (TW)

Health and Wellbeing Partnerships Co-ordinator


Sara Felix (SF)


York Place, H&NY ICB (secondment)


Debbie Mitchell

Chief Finance Officer


Alison Semmence

Chief Executive

York Centre for Voluntary Services (CVS)

Brian Cranna

Director of Operations and Transformation, NYY&S


Zoe Campbell

Managing Director (North Yorkshire, York and Selby)


Gail Brown


York Schools & Academies Board

Simon Morritt

Chief Executive



Minutes – draft

1.    Welcome and apologies for absence.

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.

The minutes of the meeting held on 15.02.2024 were approved.

SS, NC and SF introduced themselves to the board and their roles. The chair shared that some dates of the York Health and Care Partnership meeting may change to accommodate TEWV to be able to attend meetings.

There were no updates on matters arising, there were no declarations of interest.


2.    Progress in 2023/24

YHCP Annual Report and Joint Forward Plan refresh

AB shared that it was agreed for an annual report to be created to demonstrate the successes of the Partnership in 23/24, to hold ourselves accountable for what we said we would do, and to outline our plans for 24/25. The report will be amended and brought back to the April YHCP meeting for discussion around publication. 

Referring to the Joint Forward Plan section of the document, AB proposed that the intention is to keep the board's six priorities the same in 2024/25 due to the long term nature of the ambitions which also support the delivery of the 10 year Health and Wellbeing Strategy.

1.    Strengthen York’s integrated community offer

2.    Implement an integrated UEC offer for York

3.    Further develop Primary/Secondary shared-care models

4.    Embed an integrated prevention and early intervention model

5.    Develop a partnership based, inclusive model for children, young people, and families

6.    Drive social and economic development;

AB also asked if the Partnership felt the strategic intentions supported delivery;

·         Signal our intentions for joint commissioning services organised at Place level, taking a phased approach to deepen collaboration, build from experience, and embed learning

·         Take steps to accelerate delivery of shared objectives through joint planning and formalising integration arrangements that is financially better and leads to better outcomes

·         Enable our front-line teams to work to aligned budgets, plans and outcomes, particularly in services which target broadly the same population groups and outcomes

·         Harness the strength of our strong, independent organisations to pool and direct our collective capabilities to deliver for York and represent York in the wider system

·         Work with the other five Place health and care partnerships and ICB under the emerging 6+1 framework

·         Develop a City Service Offer which helps to overcome the unprecedented challenges we face and demonstrate the premium of Place

·         Strengthen our governance arrangements to make it happen, building shared responsibility for delivery and accountability for outcomes, to shift decision-making to place.

Referring to the Annual Report AB informed that as well as referring back to the 2023/24 workplan to highlight what the partnership has achieved, it also references engagement and health inequalities work in York Place, and aims to emphasise highlights what makes York Place unique in terms of the development of our system teams such as the Mental Health Hub and the Frailty Hub in 2023/24. Case studies of positive partnership working were shared on Proactive Social Prescribing, Primary Care Provision for Asylum Seekers and Baby Friendly initiative.

Discussion ensued on:

·         What the message from the Annual Report and Joint Forward Plan is and what it means for the community

·         Celebrating scheme successes where funding may not be continual

·         Inclusion of the impact of the schemes

·         Change of wording to the Baby Friendly Initiative to child and maternal nutrition to capture the full programme of work

·         Inclusion of the Childrens Home Model into the Children and Young People section


·         Feedback on amendments to be made to the Annual Report and Joint Forward Plan to be shared with Anna Basilico via email

·         Final Annual report and Joint Forward Plan Refresh to come to the April meeting


3.    Place in 2024/25 / Joint Commissioning Arrangements

IF started by informing that the Place Intentions in 2024/25 item has been brought to the partnership following previous discussion on improving integration/services and collective funding. The joint committee model is supported by both the Integrated Care Board (ICB) and Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) with North East Lincolnshire Place already working as a joint committee.


IF handed over to SCL to talk through the ongoing work with the other five Health and Care Partnerships in our ICB and the local developments to form Place Intentions.


Running through the circulated slide pack SCL shared that the 6+1 framework supports Local Authorities, the Integrated Care Board and other Partners in Humber and North Yorkshire to understand how we operate together with the 6 meaning the 6 places across the ICB and the 1 meaning the ICB as a whole, the key aspects of how we work together being in place, across the 6 places and mayoral combined authorities and the strategic framework encapsulating work across three main areas of Excellence, Prevention and Sustainability. SCL proposed the direction of travel for York Health and Care Partnership to operate a Joint Committee, what it would mean for York and asked whether the Partnership were supportive of the approach.


PR shared that the circulated Joint Commissioning Forum document is replicated from other areas and the Forum will be an enabler for change and is in the early days of running. The Forum has three initial areas of focus: Financial Healthcheck, Savings Prioritisation and Wider commissioning review, ensuring that if funding is reduced it is in the areas that will have a lesser affect. Ending, PR shared that the Terms of Reference for the Joint Commissioning Forum are still being worked on.


Discussion ensued on:

·         Agreeing not to use 'co- designed' and 'co-produced' unless service users are involved

·         Importance of engagement from the partnership while working through individual organisations financial and governance arrangements

·         Correct, realistic narrative about services in the context of the challenges we face to help with any public queries

·         Starting with some areas that can be changed quickly to use as examples in future

·         Importance of inclusion of the voices from patients and workforce




·         An update on Place in 2024/25 to come back to the April meeting

·         CD keen to look into how this model works in Places that have a deficit

·         CD and JC to look at what 'Place' does and look at from a political perspective

·         SCL to work with NHS Confed on examples to include and how to take people on the journey including patients and workforce


4.    Health Inequalities funding 24/25


AB asked the York Health and Care Partnership to approve the proposals outlined in the report for 24/25 Health Inequalities funding, noting that the York allocation for funding from the ICB is £280,663. SCL and PR are the SROs for this funding which is allocated to each Place in the ICB. Four schemes have already been approved by PR and SCL due to the long term nature of the contracts, leaving £101,516 of funding to be agreed by the Board.  AB highlighted the proposed schemes to fund were Peasholme Homeless Clinic, Raise York Family Hubs, Wellbeing and Recreational Activities for Asylum Seekers and newly settled refugees, GP Outreach at the Women's Centre, the Health Mela and the Ways to Wellbeing Small Grants Programme. These schemes cover all ages, physical and mental health and the Core20PLUS5 populations. AB highlighted that a request had been made whether any funding slippage could be considered for Care Leavers in future. Ending AB shared that all schemes would be monitored, and updates will be brought through the Annual or Planning and Assurance reports.

The board agreed to fund the proposals outlined in the paper.



·         PR to report back on what happens with the 10% overhead reserve money and the inaccuracy in Annex A of the report.


5.    Update on Estates work and plans for 2024/25

SCL shared that SF has been given an 8-week secondment in the York Place team to work with partners to describe our future service delivery model for health, care and prevention, and how estate/infrastructure might be shaped to enable this. SCL thanked partners for making time available to meet with SF and informed the board that two workshops would take place in May 2024 to finalise outputs.



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